Monday, June 16, 2014

Mango Squash

Mangoes are in season and I was thinking of posting some recipe based with it.Last week when we were out shopping in supermarket my husband wanted to get mango squash. But I told him I will prepare it at home itself even though I didnt know how to make it ;-P. Atlast my goal is achieved as I found this recipe in a cookbook which I have. The mango squash turned out to be really awesome and it was really a refreshing cool drink!!. So why not make it yourself? It is very simple with only 4 ingredients.


1. Thick mango pulp - 1 &1/2 cup ( I got the quantity from 3 medium sized ripe mangoes)
2. Water - 1 &1/4 cups
3. Sugar - 1&1/2 cup
4. Citric acid crystals - 1 generous pinch


1. Peel and cut the mangoes. Crush them in blender WITHOUT water to get thick mango pulp. ( If you want you can strain this mixture further also).

2. Add water and sugar in a pan and heat till the sugar completely dissolves and simmer till a somewhat thick syrup is obtained. Let the syrup cool down.

3. Add this to the mango pulp and keep stirring while adding the syrup. Mix both well and add the citric acid crystals.

Transfer to a clean bottle/jar and store it. Just add 1/4 of the squash in a glass and remaining cold water to enjoy the squash!.


1. The sugar quantity depends on the sweetness of mangoes. So, its better to have a taste of the mango first to determine its sweetness.
2. Be careful with the citric acid crystals quantity. Adding excess will make the squash very sour. So, taste the mango pulp and sugar syrup mixture first and add a pinch. If necessary add excess.
3. Use ripe, fleshy mangoes for best results.
4. There is no need of yellow food color for this recipe.

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